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Poll of New Hampshire Voters

January 29, 2025

Bipartisan polling firm RABA Research conducted an online survey of 501 registered voters in New Hampshire from January 23 – 26, 2025. The survey looked at respondents’ opinions on workers’ rights, and legislative priorities.

By a 3-1 margin, respondents said they oppose “the expansion of New Hampshire’s “Education Freedom Accounts”, commonly referred to as vouchers, knowing it means paying higher property taxes to help politicians in Concord subsidize private schools”.

  • The results of this survey also show 85% of respondents oppose “diverting taxpayer dollars away from public schools to use for private school vouchers even if taxpayer money would go to institutions that have previously paid financial settlements related to sexual abuse perpetrated by their members or employees”.
  • And 88% do not “believe it is appropriate for New Hampshire’s taxpayers to be paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to private schools outside of New Hampshire”. This follows recent reports of out-of-state schools receiving New Hampshire’s school voucher dollars.

When asked “would you be more likely or less likely to support your legislator if you knew he or she voted to allow tax dollars to be spent on private education?” 74% of respondents said they would be less likely to support and only 12% answered “more likely”. 14% of respondents said, “it doesn’t make a difference”.

Respondents were also asked for their opinions on issues related to collective bargaining.

  • 90% said “New Hampshire’s workers should be able to contribute a portion of their own wages to their union if they choose to”.
  • 90% also said “New Hampshire’s workers should be able to join a union if they want to”.
  • And 91% said they “would be LESS LIKELY to support my legislator if they voted to weaken workers’ rights”.