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Poll of Arizona Residents

April 4, 2024

Bipartisan polling firm RABA Research conducted an online survey of 503 Arizonans March 28 – 31, 2024. The survey looked at respondents’ opinions on policy related to tipped wages and the U.S. Senate and the Presidential races.

The survey showed very strong feelings related to the expansion of establishments that ask for a tip at check out. With 78% of respondents saying they have noticed in increase over the last few years. When asked if “you support more types of stores asking for a tip when you check out” 80% answered “No”.

67% of those surveyed agreed with the following statement, “expanding the types of workers who rely on tipping is a way for the owners of the establishment to increase hidden costs on the consumer and pay their workers less”. While 33% agreed with, “expanding the types of workers who are considered ‘tipped employees’ will allow the consumer to reward good service in more places”.

Of particular note, 76% of respondents oppose “changing Arizona’s constitution to allow more ‘tipped employees’ and have wages cut by as much as 25%. 77% of respondents who identified as a Democrat, 71% of Republicans, and 80% who said they were “something else” oppose making this change. 

78% said they would be less likely to “support politicians who vote to change Arizona’s constitution to allow more workers to be considered ‘tipped employees’, which will mean more store asking you to tip when you check out”, including 80% of Biden’s supporters and 76% of Trump’s supporters.

Finally, when asked if they would vote for or against a constitutional amendment that incentivizes business to change which types of workers are considered ‘tipped employees’, 74% of respondents said they would vote against the amendment.